Bases de Datos


Ratio: 4 / 5

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ORA-01006: bind variable does not exist.bases_datos_2



Cause: You tried to issue a bind call for a variable that was not listed in the corresponding SQL statement.


Action: The options to resolve this Oracle error are:

- Modify your bind call to reference a variable that was listed in the corresponding SQL statement. Variables must be prefixed with either a colon (:) or an ampersand (&) to be referenced in a BIND call, OBIND, or OBINDN.

- This error may also be caused by a mismatch between a precompiler program and the SQLLIB library.


Ratio: 4 / 5

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 ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended.bases_datos_2



Cause: The SQL statement ends with an inappropriate clause. For example, an ORDER BY clause may have been included in a CREATE VIEW or INSERT statement. ORDER BY cannot be used to create an ordered view or to insert in a certain order.


Action: Correct the syntax by removing the inappropriate clauses. It may be possible to duplicate the removed clause with another SQL statement. For example, to order the rows of a view, do so when querying the view and not when creating it. This error can also occur in SQL*Forms applications if a continuation line is indented. Check for indented lines and delete these spaces.


Ratio: 4 / 5

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 ORA-00913: too many values.bases_datos_2



Cause: The SQL statement requires two sets of values equal in number. This error occurs when the second set contains more items than the first set. For example, the subquery in a WHERE or HAVING clause may return too many columns, or a VALUES or SELECT clause may return more columns than are listed in the INSERT.


Action: Check the number of items in each set and change the SQL statement to make them equal.


Ratio: 4 / 5

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ORA-01091: failure during startup force.bases_datos_2



Cause: Unable to destroy the old SGA.


Action: Manually remove the old SGA and reissue the STARTUP command.


Ratio: 4 / 5

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ORA-01093: ALTER DATABASE CLOSE only permitted with no sessions connected.bases_datos_2



Cause: There is at least one more session other than the current one logged into the instance. ALTER DATABASE CLOSE is not permitted.


Action: Find the other sessions and log them out and resubmit the command.
