Bases de Datos


Ratio: 4 / 5

Inicio activadoInicio activadoInicio activadoInicio activadoInicio desactivado

ORA-01026: multiple buffers of size > 4000 in the bind list.bases_datos_2



Cause: More than one long buffer in the bind list.


Action: Change the buffer size to be less than 4000 for the bind variable bound to a normal column.


Ratio: 4 / 5

Inicio activadoInicio activadoInicio activadoInicio activadoInicio desactivado

ORA-01027: bind variables not allowed for data definition operations.bases_datos_2



Cause: An attempt was made to use a bind variable in a SQL data definition operation.


Action: Such bind variables are not allowed.


Ratio: 4 / 5

Inicio activadoInicio activadoInicio activadoInicio activadoInicio desactivado

ORA-01029: internal two task errorbases_datos_2



Cause: Received send long message but don't have the cursor context.


Action: Report as a bug.


Ratio: 4 / 5

Inicio activadoInicio activadoInicio activadoInicio activadoInicio desactivado

ORA-01029: SELECT ... INTO variable does not exist.bases_datos_2



Cause: The SELECT... INTO specified in the bind call does not correspond to a variable in the SQL statement..


Action: If it is not possible to correct the statement, call customer support.n.


Ratio: 4 / 5

Inicio activadoInicio activadoInicio activadoInicio activadoInicio desactivado

ORA-01032: no such userid.bases_datos_2



Cause: This is an internal error message related to Export/Import..


Action: Contact customer support.
